Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

Fact of World Enviromental

Today the environmental conditions continue experiencing a decline in quality. Many things that cause a decrease of quality environments, among which is the impact of increased carbon, increasing globalization increasingly global encouraging technological progress, as well as the culture of human behavior itself is difficult to change that continues to encourage environmental degradation.

How could people live in just one small planet called Earth, but with the number of people who fill them billions, of course, will continue to occur inside the erosion erosion. The impact of erosion is what we say damage the environment, because the environment is an overall association objects and non abiotic abiotic depend on each other. It is therefore very important to maintain a comfortable environment quality, safe and secure .. We need to at least attempt to help maintain the environmental conditions remain comfortable, start from little things. exemplarily give your child eg do not throw litter or other small examples that have a major impact on the environment.

Human life is very dependent on the nature, alamlah which provide a useful resource for humans. The resource can be derived from forestry, agriculture, plantation, mining and other natural sector share. Imagine if this function is reduced roughly atrau we say low on ink, what should we do?
of course this is not something impossible to happen. if the current situation is not changed.

Based on research conducted by the University of Adelaide published the results of a new study about the environment. Four countries, namely Brazil, United States, China, and Indonesia expressed as the country contributing to environmental destruction on Earth. There are seven indicators used to measure environmental degradation, namely deforestation, chemical fertilizer use, water pollution, carbon emissions, fishing, and the threat of plant and animal species, as well as the transition of green land into commercial land - such as shopping malls or commercial centers, and plantations. The seven indicators used for the two criteria. First, global environmental degradation - which 'led' Brazil. Second, the impact of environmental damage on a country.
For the second criterion, more developed a country, the more severe the damage to the environment will bear. Singapore be the worst for this criterion. "The environmental crisis now gripping the Earth is the result of excessive human consumption of natural resources," said lead researcher University of Adelaide, Corey Bradshaw, such as pages loaded LiveScience, Friday, May 7, 2010. "There is ample evidence that increasing environmental degradation and loss of habitat and animal and plant species, will ultimately affect the quality of life that sustains the continuity of the fate of billions of people in the world. "Bradshaw said, the data used in this study are robust data and comprehensive. Unlike other studies, which rely on data hanyak human health and economic data - measuring environmental degradation.
The study, in collaboration with the National University of Singapore and Princeton University U.S. shows, that the total wealth of the country (measured by gross national income) is the most important factor to impact the environment.
"The richer a country, the greater the impact of environmental degradation," said Bradshaw.
"There is a theory which says that the richer a country, he has more access to get prolingkungan technology and become more environmentally aware so that the environmental impact starts to decline. Turns out, based on this study, it was not proven."
Most countries contribute to environmental destruction

1. Brazil

2. U.S.

3. Chinese

4. Indonesia

5. Japanese

6. Mexico

7. India

8. Russians

9. Australia

10. Peru

Most state environmental offenders

1. Singapore

2. Korea

3. Qatar

4. Kuwait

5. Japanese

6 Thailand

7. Bahrain

8. Malaysian

9. Philippine

10. Netherlands

How do you comment with this data? as you realize you are the most decisive man of your life ahead. You make a small mistake can be a big impact for others. relating to the environment, you need to know that the state of the world environment cause for serious concern. I say that our own country is more concern Indonesia. tone may have read the above data that Indonesia is the 4th that contribute to environmental degradation. whereas if you search most of the countries that are in the ranking is a developed country. what is wrong with the actual Indonesian? the problem is with the Indonesian people themselves. most people are not aware of Indonesia imprtant protecting the environment. many times it is didingatkan on various occasions, but still, until it now appears there is no change. kalua things continue to do so you will better know how the future of the nation as well as good citizens we certainly could not have let this country dropped continuously. therefore start from ourselves to protecting the environment, make us as a good example in protecting the environment because we will not be possible throughout the country for ask to protecting the environment, then the little things that we do will certainly have a major impact on the environment the world, especially Indonesia. Here are some picture of the damage environments:

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